Cigarette companies such as Phillip Morris have several lawsuits out against governments in countries such as Uruguay and Brazil. They say that these governments are too restrictive of a product that is legal for adults to use. Is it simply the governments of these countries being too restrictive and demanding of the cigarette companies or is it the companies bullying countries who are small, poor and often uneducated?
Read the following articles from the new york times
After reading the two newspaper articles I have come to the conclusion that the government should be able put whatever they desire on the packaging of cigarettes. The anti-smoking advertisments on the package don't affect those addicted to cigarettes, and those who may want to pick up a pack for the first time will maybe think twice. Which is good. I understand the cigarettes company is worried
about their sales going down and I know its all about the money and profit but I am one for healthy living, and I think the government should promote that as well,to its citizens. So if putting on a few pictures and words to say don't smoke is going to help, then I'm all for it.
Here is a video I found on how much tar goes into your lungs when you smoke and why the government should put a stop to smoking!
In the first place they shouldn't be cigarettes and they should be band. The government should have full right to put what every they want on the cigarette packages because people that smoke cigarettes should know what there getting them self into. What Sam said about losing the companies income i find a good thing. People that have anything to with cigarettes shouldn't be getting any income because all there doing is killing people.
I agree with Sam, the government should be able to put picture and writing on packaging to help educate consumer(people of their country) of what they are buying and planning to put into their body by showing the effect smoking has on their bodies. This will positively effect the country by reducing sale meaning that less people are smoking making their country healthier, this will reduce health problem and death due to smoking in these countries.
I think Sam made a very good point in mentioning that the advertising on cigarette packaging is not necessarily aimed at people who have already been directly affected by nicotine addictions. Rather, it is aimed at (and I believe is more likely to affect the decisions of) people who are just beginning to pick up smoking. More advertising on the packaging probably wouldn't have that much effect on people who have been smoking for years, but people who are just starting pick up the habit are probably most likely to take the time to look at and read the advertising. They would probably get more education from it.
Because of this, I agree that the government should have the right to educate people about the horrible effects of smoking ( I think in this case it`s not really a matter of rights (who has the right of advertising - the company or the government) but rather what IS right.
Check out this article in regards to the Canadian government and warnings on cigarette packages.
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